Dr Doom Vs Dr Strange
Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment is probably my favorite story among original graphic novels. The two Doctors make for the perfect pairing due to their origins, powers and contrasting personalities. Without giving away too much. Doom and Strange enter Hell itself to challenge Mephisto, one of Marvel's most powerful and evil.
With that said, the stint as Iron Man proved that he could be a hero, but the years he spent as Doctor Doom proved that he was an unbeatable adversary and much of his success came due to the impressive armor he wore. Both scientifically advanced and mystically enhanced, Doom's armor is a match for anyone, making even the suits worn by Iron Man himself pale in comparison. The suit never made the man, but Doom did everything in his power to make the suit as formidable as he was in a fight.
Now that Victor von Doom has finished his role as the Infamous Iron Man, the legendary Doctor Doom shouldn't be far behind. With the classic look ready for a comeback, here are 20 weird secrets about Doctor Doom's armor. To learn the secret of how Doctor Doom got his impressive suit of armor, look back to his origin as it was revealed in Fantastic Four Annual #2. It was here that the story of Doom shows how he grew angry and resentful at how the king of Latveria caused the death of his mother and father, and Doom set out to avenge their deaths. After the experiment that caused his facial scars and expulsion from State University in America, Doom left for Tibet.It is here that he met an order of monks and continued to improve his mastery of magic that he added to his advanced scientific knowledge. Doom then took the last step and had them magically forge his armor, which, mixed with technological advances over time, resulted in one of the most powerful suits of armor in the Marvel Universe. Latveria is very close to the nation of Transylvania, which is, of course, the home of none other than the king of the vampires, Dracula.
Being that close to blood-sucking danger made Doctor Doom take a proactive step to protect himself. The more recent comic book Captain Britain and MI:13 #10 explained exactly how Doom went about that.In this comic book series, MI:13 was a British intelligence agency that went after supernatural beings with members like Black Knight, Captain Britain and Blade.
With that last name, going after vampires is a given and in the aforementioned issue, they went after Dracula. It was in this issue that Doom explained that his armor had splinters of the true cross, making him immune to vampires and other mystical attacks.
Doctor Doom's armor is made out of high-strength titanium alloy, so it was already highly durable to start with. However, when you are a villain of the Fantastic Four, it is important to make sure that the armor provides protection from their strongest attacks.
When it comes to the Human Torch, Doom made sure to provide complete protection from his fire-based attacks.While the armor already had mystical protection thanks to Tibetan monks, over the year's Victor added his own technological touches to the armor and added a significant protection against fire. In Fantastic Four #318, Johnny found his fire did no damage to Doom, as Victor said he spent years perfecting his armor's resistance to the flame. One of the strongest and most useful weapons built into Doctor Doom's armor is his Electrical Field. This allows the outer surface of the armor to generate up to 100,000 Megavolts of energy, which Doom explained to Namor when the two battled in Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up #1.This is mostly a defense mechanism. When Victor enables this, anyone who touches him has energy sent through their body, causing serious damage to the hero or villain who dares attack him. It is very powerful but Doom has needed to continue upgrading it as it doesn't always work, as Fantastic Four #319 showed that it had no effect on The Thing when the two grappled in the Negative Zone. For most of his early existence in Marvel Comics, Doctor Doom flew using twin jetpacks attached to his waist.

However, over the years this has changed in a number of ways. His original suit was modified to have the jetpack attached to his back instead of on the waist.There are also some instances where Doom flies without an apparent jetpack working at all. His best flight abilities came when Victor decided to no longer operate as a villain and took on the role as the Infamous Iron Man, since he had thrusters in the boots of Iron Man's armor and even proved at times to be able to stop a fall by using the repulsors in his gloved hands as well. Doctor Doom's armor can withstand almost any attack. It can take blasts, shrug off fire attacks, and protect Victor from just about any force unleashed against him.
However, there is one major weakness that the armor was not built to withstand - and it is something that The Thing might like to know about.In Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #9, Cage went to pay a visit to Doctor Doom in Latveria. See, Victor hired him to find some robots but then never paid him the $200 fee and Luke wanted his money, honey. As they battled, Cage began to hit Doom over and over in the abdomen until the armor shattered. According to Victor, he forged the armor to withstand anything except repeated stress on a solitary point, which is how Luke rendered the armor inoperative.
Doctor Doom can shoot concussive blasts from his gauntlets and his mask can even shoot a blast as well, as long as it is not on Doom's face when he triggers it. However, one of the hidden weapons comes from the fingertip of his right gauntlet.From just that fingertip, Victor von Doom can shoot an atomic-powered blast at an enemy. While the blasts from his gauntlets can take out numerous enemies, the finger gun - despite the idea of an atomic-powered blast - is not quite as powerful as his other weapons. When battling Spider-Man in Amazing Spider-Man #5, Spidey blocked the blast with a web-shield and even clogged it with webbing to stop any future blasts.
Doctor Doom is not just a physically imposing fighter, but he is also one of the smartest men in the world. Victor knows that there is a time to fight and there is a time to work diplomatically. He also knows that there is a good time to taunt and antagonize people without lifting more than his right wrist.Doom has a video communicator in the plate of his right gauntlet. This is an audio/video communicator that allows Victor to call and talk to anyone he wants, and thanks to his high-level technological knowledge, it has allowed him to hack into any network using this device to speak to anyone he wants any time he wants. Doctor Doom's armor is able to put up a force field that is impervious to almost any attack. Whether it is the Human Torch blasting down fire, the military firing a flurry of bullets or a superhuman raining down high-powered energy blasts, Doom's force field can protect him from just about anything.However, the force field works both ways.
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As shown in Super-Villain Team-Up #4, Victor cannot attack his enemies when he is employing his force field as his blasts can't get through it either. On top of that, Doom's armor is self-sufficient but when the force field is up, it cannot absorb the energy it needs to power up, so while his force field protects Victor, it also makes him unable to do anything in retaliation. Doctor Doom spent his entire career as an enemy of the Fantastic Four. He already had a great suit of armor before ever battling the team, but has - over the years - worked to improve the armor and tweak things needed to help him overcome the team's various superpowers.An example is making it immune to the fire blasted by The Human Torch. His force field was able to keep out the physical attacks of The Thing. He always believed himself as a greater intellect than Reed Richards. As for The Invisible Woman, Doom added infrared vision to his mask so that he can see invisible people using their heat sources.
Doctor Doom can live in just about any environment while in his armor. When in outer space or in the depths of the ocean, Doom's armor is able to provide oxygen through reserves in the armor. Not only that, but Doom's armor is able to recycle that oxygen for extended periods of time.In Super-Villain Team-Up #1, Namor saved Doom after he crashed into the ocean, and when he said he was surprised Victor was still alive, the villain mocked him by saying that his armor will keep him alive for a very long time without needing food, water, or oxygen outside of what the armor provides for him.

Doctor Doom's armor is also self-sufficient. Most suits of armor that run on power will start to lose energy after a time and that limits how long someone can fight or what they can do without expending all their energy. For Doom, the answer was simple.Victor's armor has a thermo-energizer that allows it to absorb solar energy, allowing it to remain powered up. The energizer also powers up all the other systems of the armor using the heat and solar rays. While solar powered energy seems to be the most efficient way to manage power, Doctor Doom was always ahead of the curve and had the science perfected while the rest of the world just played catch up. When Doctor Doom is down and out, or when he needs something big in an instant to help him win a fight, Victor added a fail-safe in his armor that is easily accessible whenever and wherever he needs it. In the cuisse (the panel on his armor's thigh), there is a button that he can easily access with the touch of a finger - even if tied up - to help him out.This button activates a thermo-energizer.
In Astonishing Tales #5, Doom was battling the Red Skull and needed quick help. He pushed the button on his thigh and was able to immediately gather and control solar energy as it entered into his armor, allowing him to perform one major and powerful attack to win the fight. As a normal human, Doctor Doom is no stronger than anyone else of his size and conditioning. However, thanks to the mystical additions to the armor by the Tibetan monks in the Monastery in Tibet, as well as Doom's other additions both using magic and science, his armor increases his strength to almost superhuman levels.When wearing the armor, Doctor Doom is able to lift several tons. His level on the strength scale is a '4,' which means lifting between 800 pounds and 25 tons - a superhuman level. In Amazing Spider-Man #350, he was able to pulverize a diamond simply using his strength.
He was also able to match up to Spider-Man in the strength department and has often battled The Thing in hand-to-hand combat. When looking at the armor of Victor von Doom, it is easy to try to find a comparison to that of Iron Man. When Victor took on the role of the Infamous Iron Man after Tony Stark's injuries during Civil War II, those comparisons followed him there as well. What is interesting is that, while Doom took on Iron Man's armor at that time, his own armor is actually more durable.Doom's armor is made of high-strength titanium alloy and was then enhanced by Tibetan monks. Iron Man has seen a lot of armored suits destroyed, as he makes them with different tasks in mind.
However, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe reveals that Doom's suit is more durable thanks to the titanium enhanced by magic. Doctor Doom has added a number of enhancements to his armor over the years, giving him an advantage when needed. Now, as a master of the mystic arts, there is not a need for him to disappear using technology as he has the power to transport himself or anyone else anywhere he wants, as he showed numerous times in the Infamous Iron Man series.However, he takes nothing for granted, and as he showed in Infamous Iron Man #2, he has the technological skills to add cloaking devices to his armor, which allows him to disappear both from the naked eye as well as from tracking devices that are searching for him. When one thinks of the Master of Magnetism, the first person that comes to mind is the mutant Magneto. However, as part of the electrical field that Doom has built into his armor, it also includes an Electro-Magnetic Amplifier.In Infamous Iron Man #4, Doctor Doom as Iron Man was able to use his magnetic manipulation to take guns out of the hands of children scavenging the streets of Latveria after the entire country fell into disarray. Doom seems, at times, to gain whatever power he needs to achieve his goals, and controlling magnetism is just one of many that he has added to his formidable armor, which puts heroes like Iron Man at a disadvantage when facing off with him. Doctor Doom has designed a large number of great additions for his armor that allows him to keep an advantage in whatever fight he is involved in.
His mask itself allows him a number of advantages over people with no superhuman abilities.His mask has infrared scanners that allow him to see invisible people and rays. It also has high-powered telescopic lenses that allow Doom to see long distances with ease.
Add in night vision, and Doom is never at a disadvantage in a fight regardless of the available light. It also has optical sensor scanners that include ear amplifiers, allowing Victor to hear just about anything, even on frequencies that the human ear is incapable of picking up.
In Fantastic Four #199, Doctor Doom had created a clone of himself that he planned to abdicate this throne to - a way to fool the people of Latveria who had grown to distrust him. However, thanks to the interference of The Fantastic Four, as well as insurgents in his own nation, his plans were foiled.Doom's clone then attacked his master and the two did battle. Interestingly, the clone had the powers of the Fantastic Four, with a body of rocks, Reed's stretching ability, Johnny's flame control and Sue's invisibility and force fields. This is when Doom used a weapon in his armor - a yellow mist that he shot into the air - which made the invisible clone appear - yet another failsafe Doom created to beat The Fantastic Four. Doctor Doom has a lot of weapons, including his Doom Bots. Over the years, Doom has seen many people try to take control of his robot army and has even had to fight them off during a robot uprising in Latveria. As a result, Doctor Doom has created a failsafe in his armor to protect him from his own weapons.A perfect example of this came in Amazing Spider-Man #5 when Doom and Spidey were battling and one of the rays from his disintegrator struck him, doing no damage.
While Spider-Man seemed surprised, Victor simply said that he always takes precautions and none of his weapons can ever do him harm. CBR – Privacy PolicyWe respect your privacy and we are committed to safeguarding your privacy while online at oursite. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this Website.This Privacy Policy was last updated on May 10, 2018. Legal OwnershipCBR (the “Website”) is owned and operated by Valnet inc. (“us” or “we”), a corporationincorporated under the laws of Canada, having its head office at 7405 Transcanada Highway,Suite 100, Saint Laurent, Quebec H4T 1Z2. Personal Data CollectedWhen you visit our Website, we collect certain information related to your device, such as yourIP address, what pages you visit on our Website, whether you were referred to by anotherwebsite, and at what time you accessed our Website.We do not collect any other type of personal data.
Doctor Strange Vs Doctor Doom
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Hegemonic Mastermind “I am Doom, destroyer of worlds! What Gods dare stand against me?„ Doctor Doom“Rivals. No one rivals Doom! Doom is supreme! There is no power on earth, no intellect in all creation to equal mine!„ Doctor DoomDr.
Contents HistoryDr. Victor Von Doom is the arch enemy of the Fantastic Four, and is the self-proclaimed unquestioned smartest man on Earth. Doom was born in a Romani family in the nation of Latveria, as the son of a witch and a herbalist. When his mother Cynthia was killed by demons (which she herself summoned to fight Latverian soldiers), he promised revenge, and the death of his father because of a Latverian tyrant only fueled his desire.Doom began to master both magic and technology, and when his fame reached the United States, he gained the opportunity to study in America. There he met Reed Richards, one of the few men on the planet whose intelligence can even approach his own (and then not by much). Wishing to resurrect his dead mother, he attempted to construct a portal to hell; however, due to miscalculations that he refused to acknowledge, the device exploded and damaged his face. Though Doom was responsible for the incident, he still blamed Richards for the accident and withdrew from society for some time.He then joined a mysterious order which taught him secret knowledge, including metallurgy.
He used it to create a suit of power armor that he has been using (with some modifications) since that day. From that moment, and forever more, he has been known as Doctor Doom. He overthrew the previous ruler of Latveria and claimed it as his own, becoming the new ruler of his country. Quickly his path crossed with the Fantastic Four, who became his sworn enemies. However, he has also fought with almost every mega-hero in the Marvel Universe, and even some heroes outside of the Marvel Universe (example: Superman).On that account, he has had more than a few serious setbacks such as when Reed Richards caused him to be deposed in favor of Prince Zorba. However, he eventually regained the throne with the help of Richards and his compatriots when he showed them that Zorba was laying waste to Latveria in his murderous madness.
True, in their eyes they were participating in his retaking of the throne entirely for the sake of the oppressed people of Latveria, and that was good enough for him.Unlike many other villains, Doom does not want to rule the world out of greed or hunger for power. Doom genuinely believes he should rule the world in order to shield it from the various possible futures he has seen thanks to his ability to travel through time. Thanks to these motives, Doom has, on several occasions, joined forces with heroes, even becoming part of the Fantastic Four's Future Foundation despite them being his archenemies.As of recent events, he is now the Infamous Iron Man.Powers and AbilitiesDoom's power is well known to be far greater than any other so-called 'superhuman' on earth, and is only surpassed in power by those such as. But even they have not worked half as much as he in achieving that power. Doom's power is so great, that he has actually stolen and stored the powers of those 'cosmic' beings, namely, the.
Super-Genius Level Intelligence: The most powerful and most dangerous weapon of Doctor Doom is his intellect. Though one of the top minds on earth, his vast intellect has proven that he is perhaps one of the smartest beings in the entire multiverse with the only significant rival to him being his mortal enemy, Reed Richards.
It is Doom's genius that has allowed him to accomplish feats such as creating advanced technology, stealing power from cosmic entities and gods alike, and outsmarting any enemy that dares to cross him. Doom's Armor: The armor used by Doctor Doom was forged using both Sorcery and Science, making it nearly indestructible and is well-equipped with many weapons of all types, because Doom is always prepared for a battle.
Besides just protecting him from physical harm, the armor also removes its wearer from reality, making him completely immune to any kind of mind control, reality warping or matter manipulation. Due to its near indestructibility Doom's Armor is capable of taking blows from most super humans to some cosmic level entities; even managing to withstand a blast from the Infinity Gauntlet. Doctor Dooms armor provides him with Superhuman levels of Strength and Durability, allowing him to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, the Hulk and the Thing. His armors energy manipulation capabilities allow Doom to create impenetrable force fields, project energy from his gauntlets and mask (Only when his mask is off does this feature work), generate a lethal electric shock, etc. Dooms armor also grants him the power of flight, technopathic abilities, and a molecular expander to turn pebbles into rocks. Master Scientist: Doom's mastery of science enabled him to create a massive army of Servoguards and other robotic weapons.
His greatest creations are the Doombots; cybernetic copies of himself, which have also been infused with small portions of his own magical powers. A single Doombot poses more of a threat than many other supervillains would on their own, while posing no risk or personal harm to Doom himself. Magical Powers: His mastery of magic allows him to emit powerful blasts, create mystical force fields, cast curses and summon demons. It also allows him to travel through time and grants him the power of teleportation. It also allows him to manipulate matter itself to some extent, such as increasing the size of small objects to turn harmless pebbles into weapons. Doom acquired his vast magical powers by travelling back in time to learn about magic in its earliest stages and then returning to the present by simply waiting. This effectively makes Doom thousands of years old and strongly implies that he is immortal (though not invincible).In other mediaDoctor Doom in Marvel vs.
Capcom 3.Doom appears in several video games where he's the main villain. Doom is also the primary antagonist of the 2006 game Marvel Ultimate Alliance. In this game, he leads the to take the power of the God of Gods, Odin. He succeeds and take control of the world by reshaping everyone and everything in his own image, but at the same time the unrestrained power threatens to destroy the universe. In the end, the heroes, with the help of Odin, manage to defeat and destroy Doom. In its sequel, Doom is believed dead by nearly everyone, but Thor suggested that he is alive and being punished alongside by Odin for their crimes.Rumor even has it that the filmmaker, George Lucas, took inspiration from Doctor Doom to create the cultural icon,. Doom is also featured as the main villain in the first season of the children's television show, The Super Hero Squad Show.
In the second season, he is reduced to the secondary antagonist.Doom has appeared in several other such television shows, mainly ones centered around those infernal Fantastic Four. Doom appears as one of the two main antagonists in Marvel vs.
Capcom 3, alongside. He joins forces with Wesker to combine their universes in an effort to conquer both, but unbeknownst to them, this awakens Galactus, who threatens to destroy both universes.He is an exclusive character for the PSP game Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects.2000s Fantastic Four series Main article: Fantastic Four (2015 Film) Main article: The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Doctor Doom appears in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, voiced by Lex Lang. He was first mentioned in the episode 'The Breakout' (Part 1) during a trade with A.I.M. Was made on his behalf.Doctor Doom made his first physical appearance in the second season premiere 'The Private War of Doctor Doom' where he sends Lucia von Bardas and an army of Doombots to attack the Avengers Mansion and the Baxter Building which ended with the capture of Invisible Woman and Wasp. Doom had both heroes placed in a special machine as the Avenger and the Fantastic Four make their way towards Latveria.Initially not wanting an international incident with Doctor Doom being the head of a sovereign nation on foreign soil, the Avengers try a stealth attack which Doctor Doom anticipates. Doctor Doom effortlessly defeats both the Avengers and the three remaining Fantastic Four members. Invisible Woman and Wasp are freed only by Doctor Doom's mercy and the machine is destroyed enabling the Avengers and the Fantastic Four to retreat.In the final scene, Doctor Doom was going over the data he had received from the machine where he learns that 'Invisible Woman' was actually a Skrull impostor the whole time.In the episode 'Infiltration', Doctor Doom returns and hands Iron Man a chip with the ability to scan human beings to see if they are Skrulls or not.
He then leaves opting not to take part in the eventual rebellion against the full-scale invasion. In the episode 'Emperor Stark', where Doctor Doom was seen battling Thor and Iron Man drones under the Purple Man's control.
The outcome of the battle is never stated or shown.Avengers AssembleMaurice LaMarche reprises his role as Doctor Doom in Avengers Assemble. In the episode 'The Avengers Protocol', Doctor Doom is briefly seen receiving a holographic message from Red Skull to join his Cabal. In the episode 'The Serpent of Doom', Doctor Doom manages to obtain Ulik's weapon Codgel (following Ulik's fight against Thor) after intercepting it from some HYDRA agents with the help of his Doom-Dogs.Red Skull was not pleased with Doctor Doom obtaining the Codgel upon contacting him. Doctor Doom states that he is the only one capable of handling the Codgel and does not want to take up Red Skull's offer to join the Cabal.
The Avengers tracked the Codgel's energy signature to the Latverian Embassy in order to retrieve it.Battling his Doombots, Doctor Doom enters the fight standing toe to toe against Thor. Doctor Doom used the modified Codgel to fulfill the supposed legends release the Midgard Serpent with hopes of enslaving it to conquer the globe. After a battle with the Avengers, he and the Midgard Serpent were banished to the Realm Below using the extra-dimensional portal that was used by Ulik.
In the episode 'The Doomstroyer', Doctor Doom takes control of the Destroyer which he uses to attack the HYDRA Agents and the A.I.M. Agents that are in Latveria.During his fight with the Avengers, Doctor Doom mentioned that he has seen all of the Asgardian worlds which explained how he was able to gain control of the Destroyer. The effects of Doctor Doom controlling the Destroyer has even caused him to attack his own people. With help from Loki, Thor, Captain America and Falcon were able to trace Doctor Doom to Helheim where he is using the Helhorn to control the Destroyer and is being guarded by the Midgard Serpent. Iron Man was able to get through to Doctor Doom as he deactivates the Destroyer.Captain America then removes the Helhorn from Doctor Doom as he is evacuated from Helheim and returned to Latveria.