Hearts Of Iron 4 Equipment Cheat
This page lists the codes which may be inputted into the Console Window, a special debugging window which may be accessed on non-ironman games by hitting ^ or ° (key varies based on keyboard layout).Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Hearts Of Iron 4 Trainer Hearts Of Iron 4 trainer is now available and supports STEAM. These Hearts Of Iron 4 cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. Options Air Force XP Allow Ironman Console Army XP Command Power Manpower Navy XP Political Power Stability Threat War Support. Download Hearts Of Iron 4 Trainer 1.6.1 55D5. 1182 rows Hearts of Iron IV Equipment Cheat Codes Below is a list of conversions for equipment.
This section may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current of the game. The last version it was verified as up to date for was 1.6.The statistics (or stats) of the equipment a unit has at its disposal build the base line of the unit's stats. If a unit uses a mix of multiple variants of the same equipment type the resulting stats are a weighted average of those variants' stats. If a unit uses multiple equipment types, their stats are added. For example mechanized infantry battalions use both infantry equipment and mechanized vehicles, so they gain breakthrough from both combined. The unit's speed is determined only by the transport equipment. A lack of equipment leads to proportional reductions in unit stats.Land equipment.
This section may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current of the game. The last version it was verified as up to date for was 1.6.Equipment typeEquipmentSpeed (km/h)AttackArmorPierc.Hness.Fuel UsageReli.Resources Per FactoryInfantry Eq.Basic Eq.4%0.42Weapons I461223490%0.52Weapons II4%0.63Weapons III0%0.74MotorizedMotorized1210%1.280%2.511Mot.
Artillery–361151220.180%1211MechanizedMechanized I%2.480%821Mechanized II0%2.480%1031Mechanized III0%2.480%1241ArtilleryArtillery–252106580%3.521Improved Artillery–302157580%421Advanced Artillery–342188580%4.531Rocket ArtilleryRocket Artillery–301129280%412Advanced Rocket Artillery–%512Anti-TankAnti-Tank–41547580%422Improved Anti-Tank–42248880%522Advanced Anti-Tank–430410880%632Anti-AirAnti-Air–%42Improved Anti-Air–3.0%52Advanced Anti-Air–0%63Support Eq.Support Eq.–80%421Armor equipment. This section may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current of the game. The last version it was verified as up to date for was 1.6.Equipment typeEquipmentSpeed (km/h)AttackArmorPierc.Hness.Fuel UsageReli.Resources Per FactoryLight TankGreat War Tank0%1.080%72L. Tank I1080%2.480%82L. Tank II3080%2.480%93L.
Tank III5080%2.480%104Light SP ArtilleryL. SPG I450%1.280%821L. SPG II1250%1.280%931L. SPG III14461.573.525450%1.280%1041L.
Tank DestroyerL. TD I080%1.280%822L. TD II12780%1.280%932L. TD III14980%1.280%1042Light SP Anti-AirL. AA I50%0.680%102L. AA II1231.51050%0.680%113L.
AA III144.543550%0.680%124Medium TankM. Tank I6190%3.680%1222M. Tank II8190%3.680%1332M.
Tank III09190%3.680%1442M. SPG I5%1.880%1223M. SPG II955%1.880%1333M. SPG III65%1.880%1443M. Tank DestroyerM. TD I8890%1.880%1224M.
TD II91090%1.880%1334M. TD III102090%1.880%1444Medium SP Anti-AirM. AA I84.532065%0.980%1222M. AA II96065%0.980%1332M. AA III107.564065%0.980%1442Heavy TankH.
Tank I3595%4.480%2533H. Tank II011195%4.480%2733H. Tank III013195%4.480%3043Heavy SP ArtilleryH. SPG I0%2.280%2533H. SPG II0%2.280%2743H. SPG III6802.573.590880%2.280%3053H. Tank DestroyerH.
Hearts Of Iron 4 Equipment Cheat
TD I95%2.280%2533H. TD II614095%2.280%2743H. TD III6116095%2.280%3044Heavy SP Anti-AirH.
AA I52580%1.180%2533H. AA II66080%1.180%2733H. AA III67.564880%1.180%3043Super Heavy TankSH. SP ArtillerySH. Tank DestroyerSH. TD4117099%5.080%10034Super Heavy SP Anti-AirSH. Command conquer generals download. AA411.5959890%2.580%10034Modern TankMod.
Tank13013198%5.080%2834Modern SP ArtilleryModern SPG085%2.580%2834Modern Tank DestroyerModern TD016598%2.580%2834Modern SP Anti-AirModern AA1010085%1.2580%2834Lend-lease. This section may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current of the game. The last version it was verified as up to date for was 1.6.' Lend-Lease' was a maneuver under the U.S. Law to enable the Roosevelt administration to continue to supply Great Britain with arms and supplies after the British had exhausted their gold. It was later extended to supplying many other nations as well. In the game, Lend-Lease is a diplomatic action that provides equipment to and any non-enemy country that is at war.
This may help them win their war, delay defeat, or weaken a common foe. There are strategic reasons for Lend-Lease.
Hearts Of Iron 4 Equipment Cheats
A more practical reason is that information learned through the recipient's use of the equipment in combat provides the donor with land, sea or air experience. For most, the ability to grant Lend-lease requires some minimum level of. Lend-Lease is transported by the recipient's, and the equipment being carried (this can be seen on tooltips for the convoy) goes down with the convoy ship if sunk. All equipment and convoy ships (but not other ships) can be lend-leased. Each equipment item provided with Lend-Lease can be sent in a one-off amount, fixed monthly amount, or as a percentage of monthly. Recipients of Lend Lease should note that information on stockpiled Lend-Lease equipment appears in the tooltip for the report on that type of equipment in the Logistics window. If the country is not producing or holding any of that type of equipment, there is no report and therefore no tooltip, but the Lend Lease items are available for use.
The Lend-Lease terms, however, can be reviewed and modified by clicking to modify lend-lease in the diplomacy window.Lend-lease provides a way to assist countries in war without being directly involved, and to provide them with better equipment than they can produce on their own or relieve shortages of equipment. Donors of Lend-Lease should be aware that the AI country cannot be relied upon to make full use of complex Lend-Lease equipment. For example, the AI may use only fighters (if sufficiently numerous) while leaving other aircraft in reserve. Or it may stick with unlocking division templates through its research path rather than invent new templates to fit the equipment actually received, so that tanks may sit in storage until either the recipient finds a use for them or whatever is not destroyed is captured. However, when it comes to infantry weapons, troops can always be relied upon to secure the best infantry equipment available to them unless the player manually removes that ability with restrictions in the equipment checkboxes of the division's template.
Hearts Of Iron 4 Equipment Cheat
Captured basic infantry weapons are of low quality, but may be better than what is otherwise available in the case of a civil war or a poor country, and should never be needed at home.If the player owns, a country may also actively lobby to receive lend-lease from another country. The country making the request can see what types of equipment the donor potentially has available and then make requests for one or more of those categories (e.g., Infantry equipment, Towed Artillery, Naval Bombers, Convoys). The potential donor then responds to the request (they may decline some or all or may indicate what equipment they would like to receive and how much.) The potential leaser will then be notified and will respond back about how they will respond to each request - if at all. Good relations, common enemies, and reciprocal help can all help sway the donor's decision.
One important consideration for the player is whether the recipient has enough convoys to transport the lend-lease war materials, considering the needs of trade and supply transport. This is why lend-leasing might well start with lend-leasing convoys to a recipient country.Footnotes.
Originally posted by:.Coughs. Cheater!.coughs.#GoogleHasTheAnswerToYourQuestionThe production to the equipment is really simple though. If you're not producing enough, then you're doing something very wrong. Relax man i have legit saves ijust cheat sometimes because im bored and feel like a hostile takover but dont have enough stuff also no gogle does notYes, google has the answer as it would lead you to HOIwiki.I took a minute to get the cheat on your behalf, because i'm that nice.addlatestequipment(ale) Extracted from HOIwiki:) Only if you took a minute to read carefully. Originally posted by:relax man i have legit saves ijust cheat sometimes because im bored and feel like a hostile takover but dont have enough stuff also no gogle does notYes, google has the answer as it would lead you to HOIwiki.I took a minute to get the cheat on your behalf, because i'm that nice.addlatestequipment(ale) Extracted from HOIwiki:) Only if you took a minute to read carefully. That still doesnt give me infantry equipment but thanks now i can get the rest of the latest equipment i need to annex all of north america starting point mexico.